20110110 EVICTION ATTEMPT - LUIS MENDES - MADRID - SPAIN { 16 images } Created 10 Jan 2012
Luis Mendes is currently an unemployed builder, 45 years old, from Guinea Bissau, and has a wife and 8 children to maintain in Senegal. He lives at his home in Torrejon De Ardoz, Madrid, with his brothers.
Today he is facing a second eviction attempt as he stopped paying the mortgage to Bankia Bank when lost his job in 2009. He had to choose between feeding his children or paying the bank. At the moment, he cannot even send money anymore to his family and if he losses his current house, he would gain a live-long debt. He has tried to negotiate with the bank to reach a different solution, by paying a lower monthly fee, but up to now there was no agreement for it.
This is also case of many people in Spain that are losing their homes every-days and also gaining debts to banks.
According to details of the General Council of the Judiciary, in Madrid there are 40 evictions every-days.
Today he is facing a second eviction attempt as he stopped paying the mortgage to Bankia Bank when lost his job in 2009. He had to choose between feeding his children or paying the bank. At the moment, he cannot even send money anymore to his family and if he losses his current house, he would gain a live-long debt. He has tried to negotiate with the bank to reach a different solution, by paying a lower monthly fee, but up to now there was no agreement for it.
This is also case of many people in Spain that are losing their homes every-days and also gaining debts to banks.
According to details of the General Council of the Judiciary, in Madrid there are 40 evictions every-days.