20120228 EVICTION-DEMO-TATYANA ROEVA-SPAIN-MADRID { 14 images } Created 4 Mar 2012
An anti-eviction demonstration takes place in Madrid on February 28 2012. Bulgarian Tatyana Roeva, and husband Anuar Jalil 55, from Libano, await their second evition since last June 2011 their first eviction meant the starting of the Anti-eviction movement. A day before their eviction February 29, 2012 a demonstration of hundreds of people takes part in Madrid claiming a lieu of payment for evicted families and social accomodation. During the demonstration lawyer Rafael Mayoral and the Anti-eviction organization got a deal with BBVA Bank for a lieu of payment of 269.000EUR, plus two months paid accomodation, but the couple needs to leave their house that night.